About The Speaker

Meg Tsuruda
Meg Tsuruda is the Assistant Marketing Manager at SPJA, the nonprofit organization responsible for Anime Expo, World Cosplay Summit USA, and Project Anime. She has been an anime fan ever since watching Sailor Moon at a young age, and Anime Expo has been a big part of her life ever since she first attended in 2004. She even used a program guide as a “yearbook” and had her friends sign it the summer before she moved to New York to attend Fordham University. After graduating and returning to California, she decided to volunteer at Anime Expo which led her to join SPJA in 2013. Tsuruda has played an integral role in establishing, growing, and managing SPJA’s brands. Her responsibilities include creative direction across all aspects of the organization including art, design, and merchandising. She also acts as the corporate spokesperson, making appearances in various Anime Expo videos, as well as on KTLA, CBS, and Associated Press.