About The Speaker

Rochelle Kopp
A native of Chicago, Rochelle has been going back and forth between Japan and the U.S. her entire adult life, beginning her career at a consulting firm in the U.S. and handling global corporate communications at a large Japanese bank. She founded Japan Intercultural Consulting to support the rapid globalization she observed in the Japanese business environment. As a consultant, Rochelle works to help clients increase profitability and employee engagement through improved communication and working relationships in multicultural environments. She is currently focused on helping Japanese companies be more successful in their global operations, supporting effective human resource management practices, organization development, and cross-cultural training, and teambuilding. She also works frequently with global firms that have Japanese customers, joint venture partners, and suppliers. Rochelle is the author of "The Rice-Paper Ceiling: Breaking Through Japanese Corporate Culture," "The Lowdown: Business Etiquette Japan," "Valley Speak: Deciphering the Jargon of Silicon Valley," the upcoming "Creating Engaged Employees in Japan", and over thirty-five books in Japanese. She writes regularly for the Japan Times, the Asahi Shimbun, the Nikkei Weekly, and Newsweek Japan.